Ответ: he was knocked down by a car — его сбила машина — это пример из словаря!
Ответ: так там with или by?
Ответ: BY
Ответ: by
Ответ: ок
Ответ: The window was broken with a hammer.
He was knocked down BY a car.
The lion was shot WITH a rifle.
That novel was written BY D. H. Lawrence.
The garden was dug WITH a spade.
The city was attacked BY the enemy
The pudding was made WITH fruit and chocolate
He was hit WITH a handbag
The picture was painted BY Jackson Pollack
The house was built WITH wood and bricks
Ответ: 1. with a car2. with a rifle3. by D. H. Lawrence4. with a spade5. by the enemy6.with fruit and chocolate7. with a handbag8.by Jackson Pollack9. with wood and bricks