сделай разделительный вопрос(добавь хвостики) 1. She is 15 years old, …….? 2. He has a bike, ……..? 3. Kelly plays the piano, …..? 4. John doesn’t have a dog, ……? 5. They live in London, ……..? 6. He doesn’t cook, ……..? 7. Dogs can swim, ……..? 8. It isn’t raining, …….? 9. Mike and Julia are friends, ……….? 10. Helen speaks German, …….? Present perfect contin 1. She (study) English for 10 years. 2. He (read) in his room since early morning. 3. We (travel) for 2 years now. 4. They (drive) since 10 am. 5. Harry (write) the article since yesterday. 6. The kids (do) their homework since 4 pm. 7. Molly (cook) the dinner for 3 hours. 8. I (exercise) , I’m very tired.
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеCorrect the prepositions in the sentences below. In some sentences, there are no mistakes.
Write the correct word in each gap. Write ok if the sentence is correct.
Julie comes of Florida, the USA. She was born there.
Are you addicted to any hobby?
This singer is popular for both teens and adults.
I’ve been translating my essay in German for three hours!
Do you mind doing something else for a change?
What’s on fashion nowadays? I really need your advice!
Помогите пж, задание из полугодовой контрольной(
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеПоставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect
1. He _ (finish) training.
2. She _ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning!
3. Oh, no! I _ (lose) my money!
4. My mum _ (write) shopping list.
5. Dad, you _ (eat) my biscuit!
6. I _ (not clean) my football boots.
7. They _ (not start) their meal.
8. I _ (not do) my homework.
9. He _ (not win) all his matches this year.
10. My brother and I _ (not see) any films this week.
11. __my brother ___ (invite) many people?
12. ____ he ___ ( wash) his hands?
13. __ we _ ( tidy) our room?
14. ___ you _____ (finish) my homework?
15. __ tourists ___ (visit) New York for three years?
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеПомогите пожалуйста
1.Translate the sentences into English. Use Present Simple in sentences 1-3 and Present Perfect in sentences 4-8:
1.Я равнодушен к белому шоколаду. Я предпочитаю молочный шоколад.
2.Мой маленький брат очень привередлив в еде. Он не ест вареные овощи, рыбу на пару и овощные салаты.
3.Моя мама гордится приготовлением питательной и привлекательной еды.
4.Я недавно набрал вес, потому что ел много вредной еды.
5.Я только что приготовила обед из 4 блюд.
6.Я уже заказал (order) мясо на гриле и картофельное пюре с насыщенным соусом.
7.Мой брат является вегетарианцем в течение 2 лет. Он сбросил много веса с тех пор.
8.Я взял с собой упакованный обед в школу: овощи на пару и запеченную курицу.
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниже
Complete the conversation using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Bipun: Hi, Atul. Good to see you again. ________ 1 (you/give) the keynote speech? Atul: No, I________ 2 (not/do) that. I________ 3 (just/lead) a workshop. Bipun: Oh, really? I ________ 4 (work) on the exhibition stand this morning, but I ________ 5 (not/plan) to be here after 1 p.m. ________ 6 (you/do) anything at lunchtime? Atul: Not really. Let’s meet up. Bipun: Sure. Anyway, who ________ 7 (you/work) for these days? Atul: I’m still at Xcom, although 1________ 8 (not/manage) the same project any more. I ________ 9 (now/run) a project to develop new DVD-based toys. The company ________ 10 (face) increased competition, so who knows how long I’ll be there! Bipun: It’s the same for me. We ________ 11 (not/sell) as many TV games as we used to. The market ________ 12 (change), but the company ________ 13 (not/keep) up with these changes.
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеPresent Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple and Present Continuous
ID: 3211667
Language: English
School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL)
Grade/level: Elementary/Pre-Intermediate
Age: 10-15
Main content: Present simple and present continuous
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— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеУпражнение 3. Употребите соответствующее притяжательное местоимение.
1. I and my brother have a dog. It is _____ dog.
2. You are a student, aren’t you? Where is _____ institute?
3. She is a famous writer. _____ books are always interesting.
4. He has a sister. _____ sister’s name is Ann.
5. It is my dog. _____ name is Jim.
6. Tom and Nick are students. _____ friends are students too.
7. We live in Berezniki. _____ town is a big industrial centre.
8. Sam has a brother. _____ brother works at a big industrial enterprise.
9. Helen is married. _____ husband is a manager.
10. Have you got a telephone? Give me _____ telephone number, please.
11. My small sister plays with a doll. _____ name is Jane.
12. Who are these people on the photo? – They are _____ son, _____ wife and _____
Упражнение 4. Употребите its или it’s в зависимости от смысла высказывания. 1 The car is nice to drive, but I don’t like _______ colour.
2 This town is wonderful. _________ got lots of shops!
3 I’m staying at home today because ________ cold.
4 Let’s go in here. ________ my favourite restaurant.
5 A bird has built ________ nest in our garden.
6 The company I work for has changed ________ name.
Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски соответствующим притяжательным местоимением.
1. A: B:
2. A: B:
3. A: B:
4. A: B:
5. A: B:
6. A: B:
7. A: B:
8. A: B:
Have you met _______ new neighbours yet? No. I’ve seen ________ children in the garden.
You took _______ coat home last night.
I know, I’m sorry. I thought it was _______ because they’re both black.
What’s wrong with Rosie?
Oh, she’s been having problems with _______ back recently.
James is doing well at school.
I know. ________ teacher says he’s very advanced for his age.
Is this bag _______ ?
Oh, yes, thank you. I nearly forgot it.
Julie and Frank are so lucky. _______ house is beautiful. Yes, and it’s so much bigger than _______ . I envy them.
I like _______ shirt. It’s like Sandra’s.
Actually, it is _______. I borrowed it from her yesterday.
Why did you lend Tom _______ car?
Because _______ is being repaired at the moment.
Упражнение 6. Прочтите информацию и заполните пропуски в диалоге соответствующим личным или притяжательным местоимением.
John, Jane, Mike and Betty are brothers and sisters. John and Jane are single. Mike and Betty are married. Mike’s wife is Maggie. Bob is Betty’s husband. Their father, Mr. Smith is dead. They are going to divide everything that is left after his death: the house, a car, apple trees, pictures, books and a canary.
John: Jane: Betty:
Mike: Bob: John:
The house is _____ . _____ am going to have _____ .
Bob and Betty are fond of gardening. Let _____ have the apple-trees. Mike is a good driver. Let _____ give the car to _____ .
It is going to be _____ car.
Maggie and I, _____ are crazy about art. Give _____ the pictures. Betty is a great reader. ____is fond of books. Give the books to ___ . But what about _____, Jane? What are _____ going to have?
What is going to be _____ ?
The canary, _____ think.
Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения. Определите значение местоимений
some, any, no, none.
1. 1.We’ll discuss some problems at the conference.
2. Let’s have some tea.
3. There were some 20 people in the room.
4. You can get this newspaper at any book-stand.
5. Is there any news from him?
6. He was not asked any questions.
7. There isn’t any tea in the cup.
8. There is no information on this question.
9. – Are there any books on this problem in your library?
— No, there are none.
Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски в диалоге местоимениями some, any, no,
Jenny Martin Jenny Martin Jenny
Martin Jenny
Martin Jenny Martin
Jenny Martin Jenny
Hi, Martin. How are you?
Fine, but busy. We’ve got 1) some exams next week – remember?
I know. How much work did you do last night?
2)______. I went to the cinema. What about you?
I had 3)______ time last night. It was my sister’s birthday so we all went out for dinner.
Have you done 4)______ work this morning?
5)______, but not a lot. Anyway, I rang to ask you something. Do you know where my physics book is?
I’ve got 6)______ idea, but you can borrow mine if you want.
Let’s meet outside the bank in the High Street this lunchtime. I need to get 7)______ money and I’ll bring my physics book for you.
Good idea. I’m very worried about the physics exam. Have you got 8)______ old exam papers? I’d really like to look at them.
I haven’t got 9)______ but my brother’s got 10)______ from his last exam. I’ll bring them with me at lunchtime.
Wonderful! See you at 12.30. OK?
Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения. Определите значение производных от some, any, no, every.
1. Is there anybody outside in the street? – No, there is nobody there, I think. I don’t
see anyone there. It’s late. Everyone is sitting at home at this hour.
2. Can anyone help me with this exercise? – Anybody can do it.
3. Is anything wrong with this box? – No, everything is OK. Nothing can happen to it.
There is something heavy in this box.
4. You can put it anywhere you like.
5. We looked for the child everywhere but couldn’t find him. – Don’t worry,
everything will be OK.
Упражнение 10. Прочтите письмо. Заполните пропуски производными от some, any, no (something, anybody, nowhere и т.д.).
Dear Phil
I’ve been here for two months and I don’t like this place. I haven’t met 1) anybody interesting. Also, it’s very quiet in the evenings. All the shops and restaurants close early and the streets are empty. There’s 2)________ to go and there is 3)________ good on TV.
Then yesterday 4)________ told me about a sports club 5)________ near my house. So I decided to try it. I found it – it’s only ten minutes from my house and it’s great. There’s weight-training, tennis, a swimming pool, and the people there are very friendly. 6)________ tells you what to do – you can choose for yourself. In the middle of the evening, 7)________ said, ‘Hello, I’m Tony. Are you doing 8)________ later this evening? Would you like to go for 9)________ to eat?’ I said, ‘Yes, I’d love to.’ We had delicious pizzas and that night I thought for myself, ‘This town is getting better! I haven’t been 10)________ for two months and now I’ve been to two new places in one evening and made a friend.’
All the best
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеВариант III
I. Поставьте стоящий в скобках глагол в нужном времени. Переведите
предложення на русский язык.
1. They (to take) the exam next week.
2. Hurryup! We (to wait) you in the hall.
3. I am very glad, I just (to find) my keys.
4. She (to have exams) at this time next month.
5. The Sun (to set) in the West.
6. When he arrived everybody already (to go) to the party.
7. At 5 yesterday he (to drive) his friend home.
8. I hope it (to stop) snowing by tomorrow morning.
9. Yesterday they (to win) the game.
10. He ((to play) football since his childhood.
II. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.
I. She has just swept the room.
2. You may take my tools for a while.
3. He told me the whole truth.
4. We will solve this problem at the meeting.
5. They ask students many questions at the exam.
6. She is playing a beautiful melody.
7. He said that the agent had shown him nice flats.
III. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя формы
страдательного залога.
1. Это блюдо готовится очень быстро.
2. Обещание будет выполнено.
3. Его давно не видели.
4. У него украли коллекцию марок.
5. Письмо можно отправить завтра.
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеWrite zero conditional sentences with these words. 1 when / Stan / finish / his homework early / he / play / video games
2 if/I /not have / money/l/stay at home
3 when / it / snow / we / not go / outside
4 I / always lose / when / / play chess / with Dan
5 Kyle / wake up / late / if / his alarm / not go / off
6 you / win / free tickets / if / you / guess / the right answer
7 when / the bus / be / late / I / walk / to school
8 water / freeze / if / the temperature / be / 0°C
помогите заменить выделенные слова синонимами:
What benefits are the citizens of Russia entitled to? Replace the highlighted words with their synonyms.
• Women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men at 65.
• Women who leave work to have a baby have a right to ask a maternity allowance from the government.
• There are allowances paid to elderly people. Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full.
• A wide range of other payments exists. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers.
• People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they do not pay fees (money) for their education.
• People who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension.
• Widows can get payments for their husbands who died.
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеPut the verb to be into the correct form in the Present Simple Passive. (Поставь глагол to be в правильную форму в настоящем простом времени в страдательном залоге. )
0. Duckbills are kept as pets.
1 I _ taught to be smart.
2 English …spoken in Australia.
3 He _ invited to the party.
4 Interesting films … watched on the plane.
5 English … spoken all over the world.
6 England … situated in the British Isles.
7 People …puzzled by so many names of this country.
8 The warmth of an Irish welcome… best summed up by the proverb
«A stranger is a friend you have yet to meet».
Задание 3.
Прочитай предложения. Заполни пропуски, выбрав правельный ответ.
1. Is there _____ apple in the bag?
A) a B) an C) *
2. Are there _____ good beaches near the cottage?
A) any B) some C) a
3. There _____ any flowers.
A) are B) is C) aren’t
4. I like Tom, _____ I don’t like his wife.
A) so B) but C) because
5. I could play chess when I _____ five.
A) am B) were C) was
6. A: _____ languages can Mrs. Brown speak?
B: English & Irish.
A) How B) What C) Why
7. I was _____ Adam’s party _____ Saturday.
A) in / at B) at / on C) in / on
8. 999 __________
A) nine hundred and nineteen–nine
B) one thousand and ninety-nine
C) nine hundred and ninety-nine
9. How _____ milk is there in the fridge?
A) much B) a lot C) many
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниже8.Найдите правильное порядковое числительное:
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниже1. Выпишите из текстов предложения, в которых имеются неличные формы глагола. Определите их функции и переведите предложения на русский язык.
2. Выпишите предложения, в которых есть Participle II (причастие прошедшего времени). Определите функцию причастия II и переведите предложения на русский язык.
3. Задайте к каждому тексту по 5 вопросов, охватывающих основное содержание текста.
The 14th of April, 1865, was a tragic day in the history of the United States. For on the evening of that day, President Lincoln went to Ford’s Theatre in Washington to see a play which was popular at the time – and never returned.
The theatre party for that evening had been planned by Mrs. Lincoln. The President usually enjoyed going to the theatre and went very often – but this evening he had no wish to go. He had felt very tired all day and looked upset. He finally decided to go, however, because it had been announced in the newspapers that the President would be present at Ford’s Theatre.
The President and his party arrived at the theatre when the play had already begun. When he appeared in the box, the audience greeted him with a storm of applause and the performance was interrupted for a moment. Then the play went on, and the President enjoyed it. He didn’t know that his life was in danger.
At about ten o’clock an actor named John Booth came into the theatre and walked directly towards Lincoln’s box. He noiselessly opened the door, and approaching the President so that his gun was only a short distance from his head, calmly took aim and fired. The President fell forward in his chair. Booth immediately jumped from the box to the stage.
The audience saw him to do this, but they thought that it was all part of the play, when suddenly they heard a woman’s voice cry out:
“The President has been killed.” It was Mrs. Lincoln. Immediately a young doctor from the audience hurried to the President’s box. After he had examined Lincoln, he said that the President had only a few hours to live.
Lincoln was lifted from his chair and carried to a house opposite the theatre, where he remained until his death the next morning. When he died, one of the people in the room at the said: “Now he belongs to the ages.”
These words have since become famous.
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниженужна помощь с подготовительными заданиями ничего не понимаю… She has toothache. She ____________________to the dentist’s for years.
She is a student. She _____________English. She _________________ for three years.
It’s snowing. It _________ probably _________________all night.
What’s the weather like? – It _________________ .
He knows a lot about diving. He ____________ fond of it for a long time.
Do you like the book?_ I ______________ a chance to read it yet.
He _____________reservations last Friday.
I _______________ reservations before I __________ to the library.
If I _______ busy next Saturday I ______________ to the library.
Galileo Galilei ________________ the movements of the Moon and planets.
Why is he tired? – He ___________________ all morning.
He doesn’t know the answer. He ________________ the text yet. He ________ probably _____________ it today.
I ________ him in the park yesterday.
All the dinosaurs _____________________ at about the same time.
What _____he ______ at the moment? _ He ______________ to solve the problem.
Degrees of Comparison — ESL worksheet by yuliya888
Degrees of Comparison — ESL worksheet by yuliya888
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеВыберите фотографию и опишите ее. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).
План ответа поможет вам:
— the place
— the action
— the appearance of the person
— whether you like the picture or not
— why
Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № … . The picture shows …”
нужна картинка номер 1
What is the name of the national Russian dish made of cooked grain? What are the names of the most popular Russian yoghurt-type beverage of fermented cow’s milk?
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниженаписать свои 10 предложений present continuous (должны быть утверждения, отрицания и вопросы)
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеПомогите пожалуйста! Закончите каждое из следующих предложений таким образом, чтобы оно означало в точности то же, что и предложение, напечатанное перед ним.
1. Sarah began playing tennis three years ago.
Sarah has _________________________________________.
2. We haven’t visited the museum before.
This is ____________________________________________.
3. ‘I can’t refund your money without a receipt,’ said the shop assistant.
The shop assistant ____________________________________.
4. The robber forced the cashier to hand over the money.
Tha cashier __________________________________________.
5. We are not likely to move into our new flat this month.
It is _________________________________________________.
6. You remembered to telephone your parents, didn’t you?
You didn’t ___________________________________________.
7. Paul missed the train because he woke up late.
If Paul ______________________________________________.
8. The garage serviced Mr Taylor’s car last week.
Mr Taylor ____________________________________________.
9. Although he was injured, he managed to finish the race.
In spite of ____________________________________________.
10. I had a lot of questions, but I was afraid to ask them.
Although _____________________________________________.
помогите пожалуйста
напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:
a long nose-
a clever child-
an old man-
a big shop-
funny stories-
a hot pie-
warm dishes-
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниже6 It’s __warm ___ to go for a swim.
7 He’s __ young___ to drive.
8 There isn’t ___time ___ for us to do this work properly.
9 The weather is ___ bad ___today for having a picnic.
10 There wasn’t ____air ___ in the room so I opened the window.
11 There weren’t ____people___ to begin a meeting.
12 We ate such delicious food. However, the portions were ___ big ___for me.
вставить too или enough
— Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете нижеПривет всем!)
Знает кто-нибудь ответы к этому тесту
ОЧень нужно
ЗАранее большое спасибо
Какое предложение содержит грамматическую ошибку?
1. There is a lot of snow on the ground. 2. She has very many books at home. 3. The day is fine today. 4. I like they. A. 1; B. 2; C. 3; D.4;
2. Какое предложение не содержит грамматические ошибки?
1. There is not many people in the street. 2. Your sister are at school. 3. There is not much bread on the plate. 4. Her hands is dirty. A. 1; B. 2; C. 3; D. 4;
3. Соотнесите видовременные формы глагола с характеризующими их названиями.
1. V2; V+ed A. Present Progressive (Continuous)
2. to be +Ving B. Present Perfect
3. to have been+ Ving C. Past Simple (Indefinite)
4. to have + V3 D. Present Perfect Progressive
4. Поставьте слова в соответствующем порядке, чтобы получить
a) повествовательное предложение;
Most English and understand each Americans easily quite other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
b) отрицательное предложение;
Betsy not done her yet homework has
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
c) общий вопрос;
They now over are the ocean flying
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. Выберите предложение, в котором употреблен притяжательный падеж.
1. There’s a sofa on the right.
2. She’s a doctor now but eleven years ago she was a student of a medical college in Moscow
3. The first works in Tretyakov’s collection were the paintings of the “Peredvizhniki”.
6. Выберите соответствующее указательное местоимение.
I can’t reach … ripe cherries, they are hanging too high for me.
A. this; B. that; C. it; D. those;
7. Выберите соответствующее числительное.
When is her birthday? Her birthday is on the … (22) of March.
A. twenty-two; B. twenty second; C. twenties; D. twelve;
8. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо.
1. Let’s go to … shop
2. Did you have …good time in the country? Oh, yes …weather was fine.
3. …Thames is … short river.
4. … Bill Robins was … richest man in … village.
A. a; B. an; C. the; D.– ;
9. Выберите необходимые предлоги для данного предложения (например, DCA).
Peter the First changed the Russian calendar … 1699 and made the 31st… December 1699 the last day … the year.
A. on ; B. in; C. of; D. at;
10. Заполните пропуск.
…. Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, A. at the age of 33; B. at 33 years; C. at the age of 33 years; D. at the age of 33 year-old
11. Заполните пропуск.
John is not interested … politics. A. about; B. in C. for D. over
12. Заполните пропуск.
New Year’s day is … popular in Britain than Christmas, A. more less; B. more little; C. less; D. little;
13. Заполните пропуск.
The Sahara is … desert in the world. A. the hottest; B. hottest; C. the most hot; D. the hotter
14. Заполните пропуск.
1 want to become a teacher … .
A. when I will leave school; B. when I leave school; C. when I am leaving school; D. when I had left school;
15. К следующим этикетным фразам в колонке 1 подберите реплики ответа в колонке 2
1 1. Thanks 2. Have a nice weekend! 3. Sorry 4.How are you?
2 A) You too. B)That’s OK С)I’m fine D. You are welcome.
16. Прочтите текст и выполните задания 16.1 – 16.6.
16. 1. Выберите подходящее название к данному тексту
Disney, Walt(er Elias) (1901-1966), American cartoon artist and producer of animated films. Disney was born in Chicago, Illinois. His father was an Irish Canadian and his mother was a German American. He left school at the age of 16, but later studied briefly at art schools in Chicago and in Kansas City, Missouri. In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in Hollywood, California, in partnership with his brother Roy O. Disney.
From 1926 to 1928 Disney produced a cartoon series, Oswald the Rabbit, for Universal Pictures. He developed many new techniques in producing cartoons. Steamboat Willie (1928), produced by Disney’s own company, featured synchronized sound for the first time in an animated cartoon. The cartoon starred Disney’s most popular and enduring cartoon character, Mickey Mouse, who had been introduced in another cartoon, Plane Crazy, earlier that same year. Disney’s Silly Symphony series was inaugurated with Skeleton Dance (1929); he first used color in a film of this series, Flowers and Trees (1932).
After the Second World War in the 1950s and 1960s Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., was one of the major producers of films for theaters and television. The company was involved in the publication of books for children. In 1955 Walt Disney Productions, Ltd. opened a huge amusement park called Disneyland in Anaheim, California which was divided into 6 themes according to the different heroes. It became a famous tourist attraction. Disney World opened near Orlando, Florida, in 1971.
Meanwhile, in addition to cartoons, the company made several documentary films, including The Living Desert (1953) and Secrets of Life (1956). Beginning in 1950 the company made such live-action films as Treasure Island (1950), Robin Hood (1951), The Shaggy Dog
(1959), The Absent-Minded Professor (1961), and Mary Poppins (1964). Animated features of this period included Peter Pan (1953) and The Sword in the Stone (1963). Disney’s company was also responsible for the television series “Davy Crockett”, “The Mickey Mouse Club” and “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color.” During his career as a filmmaker Disney received 26 Academy Awards. Disney died at the age of 65 in California.
16.2. Закончите предложения в соответствии с информацией, изложенной в тексте.
1. Mickey Mouse was introduced in a cartoon, A. Bambi (1942); B. Fantasia (1941) C Plane Crazy(1928); D. Oswald the Rabbit (1926) 3. Disney was awarded by Academy … times. A. 23; B. 26; C. 28; D. 12;
2. … featured synchronized sound for the first
time in an animated cartoon.
A. The Living Desert (1953) B. Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) C. Pinocchio
(1940), D. Steamboat Willie(1928); 4. In Hollywood in 1923 Disney produced animated motion pictures in partnership with … A. brother; B. father C. friend; D. sister
16.3. Укажите, какой из абзацев (1,2,3,4) содержит следующую информацию:
Disney’s company made not only cartoons, but different sorts of films.
16.4. Укажите, какой из абзацев (1,2,3,4) содержит следующую информацию:
Mickey Mouse is his most famous character.
16.5 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. In what state was Disney born?
A. in Georgia; B. in Florida; C. in Illinois; D. in Texas;
2) What was Walt Disney?
A, a scientist; B. a pilot; C. a producer; D. a painter;
3) He is famous for his … .
A. 26 academy Awards; B. animated cartoons; C. Skeleton Dance; D. many new techniques;
4) What is Disneyland?
A. a huge amusement park; B. a big exhibition of modern toys
C. a multi-storeyed department store; D. an art museum
16.6. Разгадайте кроссворд.
По горизонтали
1. Disney was born in … 3. Walt Disney first used … in Flowers and Trees 4. In 1955 Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., opened a huge amusement … 5. Disney World opened near … , Florida, in 1971. По вертикали
2. The … starred Mickey Mouse, who had been introduced in Plane Craz
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.. В этот учебный год я начала заниматься французским языком. Честно говоря, я считаю, что он довольно сложный, особенно грамматическая часть — она настолько отличается от английского! Изучаешь ли ты какие-либо иностранные языки помимо английского? Как тебе изучение языка? Как ты планируешь использовать иностранный язык в будущем?…
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1 Have you ever been to a wedding? What was it like?
2 Who got married?
3 Did the witnesses do a good job?
4 How would you explain to someone from another country what a ZAGS is?
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Куда ты обычно ходишь со своими друзьями? Что ваши родители думают о вашем ребенке?
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