Ответ: 1. I have pocket money2. Yes, I have3. I spend it on the food and some other things4. I’m not a spender and I’m not a saver. I’m between them5. By my cash6. Yes, I do7. Yes, I do, my rare8. Sometimes)9. Yes, of course I am. That’s a strange question
Ответьте на вопросы, пожалуйста What about you? Do you have pocket money? What do you spend your money on? Are you a big saver or a spender?
How do you pay for things you buy? Do you ever lend money to your friends? Do you ever borrow money from your friends? Do you save up to buy smth you want? Are you good with money? — Правильный ответ на вопрос найдете ниже
15.11.2019 · 1