Ответ: С ветки на ветку,Быстрый, как мяч,Скачет по лесуРыжий циркач.Вот на лету онШишку сорвал,Прыгнул на стволИ в дупло убежал.белка

Ответ: From branch to branch,Quick as a ball,Rides in the woodsRed circus.Here he is on the flyCones plucked,I jumped on the barrelAnd I ran into the hollow.squirre

Ответ: braided thick grass,Zakudryavilis meadows,Yes, and I’m all curly,Even curl horns.ramЗаплелись густые травы,Закудрявились луга,Да и сам я весь кудрявый,Даже завитком рога.


Ответ: I live in the woods.I’m very big and furry.I have a big nose, a little tailand four legs.I like to eat fish and berries.I am a… (Bear, медведь)I’m very, very big.I like to eat peanuts and hay.I have four legs and two big ears.My long nose is called a trunk. I am an…  (Elephant, слон)I live in lakes and rivers.I eat fish and birds.I have four legs and a long tail.I have lots of pretty teeth.I am a… (Crocodile, крокодил)

I eat vegetables.

I can run fast.

I can be a pet.

I have long ears.I am a… (Rabbit, кролик)

I live in Africa.

I am yellow and brown.

I eat leaves.

I have a long neck. I am a… (Giraffe, Жираф)