
  1. I usually have breakfast at home, but I have dinner at the office. 2. I have got a problem with my car. I have a problem with my car. 3. We have some time right now. Let’s have a talk. 4. He has two small children. He has got two small children. 5. She has a high temperature. She has a cold. 6. I have got a new swimming pool. So I have got a swim every day. 7. I’d like to have a look at that picture. 8. He has got long hair. I’m going to have a shower. 10. Every Sunday he has a walk in the park. 11. They have big families. 12. We usually have a good time at our parties. 13. He’d like to have a look at the e-mail. 14. He has got a huge house. It has got ten bedrooms. He has a huge house. It has ten bedrooms. 15. My family has a small flat. My family has got a small flat.