
Sam: Did you go to the stadium yesterday?

Billy: Yes, I did. 

Sam: Who did you play with?

Billy: Max and Alf went to play with me.

Sam: Did you play volleyball at the stadium?

Billy: No, we didn`t.

Sam: What games did you play?

Billy: We played badminton.

Sam: Did you play in the morning or in the afternoon?

Billy: We played in the afternoon.

Sam: Did you play chess in the evening?

Billy: Yes, I did. 

Sam: Did you play chess with your friend or with your father?

Biily: I played chess with my father.

Sam: Did you watch television yesterday?

Billy: Yes, I did.

Sam: When did you watch television ?

Biily: I was watching TV at about 6 p.m.

Sam: Who else watched television yesterday evening?

Biily: My parents watched television with me.

Sam: Did you like the film?

Biily: No, I didn`t. It was really boring.